4 nov. 2008

About ILC

Who owns the school?

The school director, Fidel.

How old is the school ?

The school was founded in 2003.

Is it licensed by the government with proper permits to provide EFL instruction?

ILC is licensed in Amazonas under
Resolución nº 0772-2005 / 0228 - 2008.

How many students are enrolled in the school?
Currently we have around 145 students per month enrolled in the school.
This varies seasonally: the government vacation months (January, February, and August) are particularly vulnerable to fluctuation.

Are classes given in a traditional classroom learning environment?

Lessons are provided in classrooms, in the traditional manner.

However, we also offer foreign language karaoke, weekend conversation clubs, reading materials, computer access, interactive CD ROMs with a variety of learning games, 3rd language taster classes, self study materials for pronunciation and listening, a school football team, and show foreign language movies on a regular basis.

So there are many informal opportunities to practise the target language, also.

What is the job description?

As a small school, all contracted hours are negotiable, and depend upon availability of groups for study.

Class sizes : 4 - 12 students per class

Class duration : 1.5 hours per class, generally but not exclusively in the evenings, between 5 and 10pm.

Materials : All student books, workbooks, CDs, marking rubrics and teacher materials are provided.

English – Pockets / Let’s Begin / Let’s Go textbooks (children aged 4-11)

English - American Headway textbooks (basic, pre-intermediate, and intermediate levels);

English - New Headway (upper intermediate and advanced levels).

English – specialist courses: Person to Person (conversation), At Your Service (tourism), ToEFL iBT, Michigan ECCE.

French - Café Creme: Tout Va Bien.

Italian – Caffé Italia.

German – Tangram Aktuell

Portuguese – Bem Vindo

Spanish - Español Sin Fronteras, ELE Curso de Español para Estranjeros, Conquistando El Español.

Exams : Written exams (one hour) are held in the last lesson of each month.

Course duration :

Each standard monthly weekday course lasts 18 lessons. Effectively, students pay for one month of classes at a time (it takes 4-6 months to complete a full level of a course).

Therefore, teachers are expected to work 3.5 weeks per month.

Teachers have between 1-3 days' break at the end of each month - combined with a weekend, this is an excellent opportunity to travel.  Three times a year, you'll get a week or more free, at Navidad (Christmas), Pascua (Easter), and the Fiestas Patronales de Chachapoyas (early August).

Accommodation :

11 Fully equipped teaching rooms, with CD, or DVD/television, whiteboard, and a library of books / newspapers.

We have two offices, and 11 classrooms on two separate city center sites, three blocks apart .

There are also some private rooms and a kitchen for staff who elect to live onsite.

In June 2009 we’re also opening a second branch in Bagua Province, closer to the selva (jungle), which has 5 rooms and living accommodation.

How many hours will I actually teach English?

An estimated 4-6 hours per day, dependent on demand.

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